List of "lesser-known" facts:
1.) What is your favorite color? Green
2.) What is your favorite sport? I know this may be surprising… but MMA/UFC
3.) What are my tope 3 music genres? Worship, Rap, Classical
4.) What is my pet peeve? Dogs who are ornery. (…Angus!!!)
5.) What is my favorite meal? A filet mignon with some loaded mashed potatoes, finish it off with some bread pudding.
6.) What is my favorite superhero? Batman
7.) Where was I born? Lenoir, North Carolina
8.) What is my favorite sports team? St. Louis Cardinal (indoctrinated as a kid)
9.) What is my top 3 movies? Logan, Batman: The Dark Knight, Monster’s University
10.) What is my favorite book of the Bible? So many but… John
“Heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”
— Matthew 10:8 (NKJV)